September 2019
Celebration Time!
Please join the WOTM Chapter 1133 on Monday, September 09th at 5:30 pm to celebrate our newest Star Recorder, Cheryl Timm. Cheryl earned her Star Recorder degree during the 2016/2017 Chapter year and received her degree in Las Vegas at the annual convention in June. Chapter 1133 has not had a Recorder receive this degree since Helen Wagner in July of 2010 so it is a pretty big deal.
This ceremony honoring Cheryl and all other Star Recorders is open to all members, both women and men along with family and friends. Congratulations Cheryl!
Kelli Adkison, Higher Degree Committee Chairman
Board Of Officers
Lodge #257
Governor- William Stackhouse
JR Governor- Robert Pate
Past Governor- Vacant
Prelate- Nathan Blea
Treasurer- Shawn Timm
1-Year Trustee- Jim Powers
2-Year Trustee- Terrence McDonnell
3-Year Trustee- Robert Rood
Administrator- Dean Straub
Senior Regent- Cheryl Timm
Junior Regent- Gina Lujan
Jr. Grad Regent- Laura Pate
Sec./Treasurer- Lana Hendricks
Recorder- Heather Kauffman
Monthly Meetings
See calendar for dates
See calendar for dates
See calendar for dates
See calendar for dates
Lodge Hours
Sunday 8:30am- 9:00pm
M-TH 2:00pm-10:00pm
Friday 10:00am-Midnight
Saturday 8:30am- Midnight
Message From Your Governor
No Governors Message this month
Message From Your Senior Regent
Dear Co-Workers,
Welcome September!
Fall will soon be upon us. As I write this letter, it’s still very warm out and I’m holding out hope for some extra summer days.
Thought I would go over some basic information this month.
The Women of the Moose were formally recognized in 1913 as the Fraternity’s official female component.
Our Chapter meets twice monthly on the first and third Thursday at 5:30 p.m. to conduct business and enjoy each other’s company. During our meetings, you will be invited to join with us as we bow our heads and fold our arms to give thanks to our Lord through prayer and pledge allegiance to our flag. At each gathering, we accept monetary donations in support of our twin cities, Mooseheart and Moosehaven.
The official emblem of the Women of the Moose is a heart with a triangle in the center. In the center of the triangle is a gold standing moose. On the points of the triangle are the letters F, H, C, which stand for Faith, Hope and Charity. These are the three great principles that our members live by.
We have faith in our principles and have made the commitment to serve children and senior members in need. Our Twin Cities, Mooseheart and Moosehaven are our number one concern. Mooseheart Child City and School was dedicated in July 1913. Our beautiful campus is located 38 miles west of Chicago. Our Child City is a home for children in need, from infancy through High School. Moosehaven, known as the "City of Contentment," is located on a wide expanse of the St. Johns River in Orange Park, Florida. The campus has been home to senior members since 1922. Through generosity and volunteerism, Moose members give hope to our children and our senior members.
Hope to see you around the lodge!
Cheryl Timm
Senior Regent
Message From Your Administrator
Hello Brothers and Sisters:
Hello Brothers and Sisters: September is here and it’s already starting to feel a little like fall, This month the officers and men’s membership meetings will be Sep. 9th and Sep. 26th see calendar for times, all LOOM members are encouraged to come to the men’s membership meetings and be a part of what goes on in your lodge. There is also the State Convention coming up in Gillette on Sep. 12th – 15th All Lodge LOOM and WOTM member are welcomed to attend, there are registration sheets available at the Lodge. We are always looking for help in the kitchen, we could use some more volunteers for Wednesday burger nights and Saturday night dinners and if we could come with one more breakfast crew, we could fill up all Sundays with breakfast. If you would like to volunteer at the Lodge you can call me at the Lodge 632-9579 email me at or just talk to any lodge or Chapter Officer and let them know what you might be interested in. I would like to also Welcome all our New Members to the Lodge and Chapter, like always if you see a new member in our Lodge Please take the time to say hello and welcome them into our Lodge. Check out your September calendar for all other upcoming events and meals (there might even be a special dinner on Sep.28th).
Thank You All for supporting your Lodge and the Moose Mission.
Fraternally yours:
Dean Straub – Administrator
Just a friendly reminder that designate parking is for those folks only. Please only park in the handicap spaces if you have a handicap plate or placard. Motorcycle parking is for motorcycles only and lastly the Volunteer of the month spots are for our honored Volunteers only.
Thank You!!
Did You Know....
You can go online to To sign up new members and pay by credit/
debit card.
Hello Moose Family!
Linda Landon and I are requesting your family Recipes to incorporate into weekly meals to be served at the lodge. We'd like Recipes for casseroles, salads, soups, and your favorite desserts.
You can email them to or hand them to Linda or myself. We'd like them by September 15, so that meals can be planned in October.
Thank you for participating!
Heidi and Linda
Congratulations to our Volunteers of the Month for September!
Keith Adkinson for the LOOM and Linda Landon for the WOTM! Thank You for all your help Keith and Linda!
Because of State Convention in Gillette September 12-15th the LOOM meetings for the 12th are moved to Monday September 9th.
No WOTM meeting on the 5th. We will have a special meeting for the Star Recorder Ceremony Which is open to the public!
New Members
LOOM #257
Greg Bonin
David Cole
Joe Harmon
Roger McCarville
Terry Sellers
Tom Skinner
WOTM #1133
Terri Barnes
Ruth Huff
Sandra Cool
Corleen Skinner
Please contact
Nathan Blea
LOOM Prelate To advise of any ill and/or hospitalized and any deaths in LOOM members’ families. Thank you
Please contact,
Gina Lujan @ 307-286-2863
to advise of any ill and/ or hospitalized.
(leave a message if no answer)
Contact Shirley Adkison @ 307-640-1904 and/or any deaths in WOTM members’, families and for scheduling, planning or to help with funeral.
If Anyone has anything for the newsletter please email it to
Attention All Members
If you or someone you know isn't receiving this e-newsletter; it is likely due to either us not having an email address for you or an outdated email address. Many of the email addresses in our system are out of date.
Please email us at with current email addresses.
This Month's Birthday's
Moose Happenings
Thank You to everyone that helped with the Kitchen Clean-up! We really appreciate you help and the kitchen looks wonderful!
Our Lodge Has Great Meals and Events
Find our events on Facebook for information on specific dates and times
Monday - Friday
5:00 - 6:30 pm
Queen of Hearts
- Fridays
Drawing at 7:00
This Month's Special Event
September 21st
5:30 - 7:00pm
Monthly Meals At The Moose
See Calendar for dates
See Calendar for dates
Sept 6th
Tuesdays - 5:30-7:00 pm
Wednesdays 5:30pm - 7:00pm
See Calendar for dates
5:30pm - 7:00pm
See Calendar for dates
Including Moose Races!
See Calendar for dates
5:30 - 7:00 PM
On the menu this month
Pollock or Chicken Strip
The Governor and the Senior Regent would like to hear from you.
If you have any questions or suggestions please submit in writing at the Lodge to an officer or the bartender.
Thank you!
Did you Know??
You can print the Newsletter or Calendar from the Newsletter Page of our Website
Have something you would like to see in the next us