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Moose Tracks - November 2019

Writer's picture: Cheyenne Moose LodgeCheyenne Moose Lodge

A Publication of Cheyenne Moose Lodge #257 - Chapter #1133

November 2019

Cheyenne Moose Lodge

Football Season Is Here!

Come on in to watch the games and cheer on your favorite team!

Beer Specials During The Games!

Domestic draws are
Only $2.50 during
NFL and the 3 listed
UW Cowboys football



Board Of Officers

Lodge #257

Governor- William Stackhouse

JR Governor- Robert Pate

Past Governor- Vacant

Prelate- Nathan Blea

Treasurer- Shawn Timm

1-Year Trustee- Jim Powers

2-Year Trustee- Terrence McDonnell

3-Year Trustee- Robert Rood

Administrator- Dean Straub


Senior Regent- Cheryl Timm

Junior Regent- Gina Lujan

Jr. Grad Regent- Laura Pate

Sec./Treasurer- Lana Hendricks

Recorder- Heather Kauffman

Monthly Meetings

LOOM Meeting at Cheyenne Moose Lodge

See calendar for dates

WOTM Meetings at Cheyenne Moose Lodge

See calendar for dates

Moose Legion Meetings

See calendar for dates

Moose Lodge Calendar Meeting

See calendar for dates


Lodge Hours

Cheyenne Moose Lodge

Sunday 8:30am- 9:00pm

M-TH 2:00pm-10:00pm

Friday 10:00am-Midnight

Saturday 8:30am- Midnight

Thanksgiving Day

11:00am - 8:00pm


Message From Your Governor

Willie Stackhouse

November is finally here, Time for the holiday season to start. With that in mind the Women will be having their Thanksgiving lunch on the 24th starting at 1300 to 1500. Hopefully I will see everyone there.

Congratulations to Margaret Chavez on winning our NASCAR package. Also, congratulations to Mel for winning the Queen of Hearts last month.

We are moving our meeting from the 28th to the 25th, reason being the 28th is Thanksgiving.

On October 7th we had our open meeting and the remodel to the kids’ room was approved, work has already started. If anyone would like to donate to help build the kids room, like sheetrock, insulation, or money. Please get with Shawn or Dean.

Dean, our administrator will be going in for surgery, During his absence, if you need anything from the office contact either Randy, myself or Shawn Timm.

Fraternally yours,

William “Willie” Stackhouse Governor


Message From Your Senior Regent

Cheyenne Moose Lodge

Dear Co-Workers,

Welcome November!

With that being said, WOTM will be having our annual Thanksgiving Dinner on Sunday, November 24, 2019 from 1 to 3 pm.

We also are asking for donated frozen or cooked turkeys and desserts. We ask that the turkeys being dropped at the lodge by November 18th. We hope to see all of you for this wonderful meal that WOTM prepares.

I would like to thank all the volunteers for all that they do! Without all of their hard work and me that they donate our lodge and chapter would not be all that is today!

Please try to attend some of our chapter meetings. Other visions and voices are needed and welcomed to keep our chapter energized. We meet the first and third Thursday of every month at 5:30 pm. We would love to see your faces.

Membership retention remains one of our biggest challenges. The future of Mooseheart and Moosehaven is in our hands. If you are expired or about to expire, please renew your dues. Your membership provides for their very existence.

Stop by the Lodge for a meal or one of our many activities!

Happy Veteran’s Day to our many valued veteran members and Happy Thanksgiving!!

It’s good to be a Moose!

Cheryl Timm

Senior Regent


Message From Your Administrator

Dean Straub

Hello Brothers and Sisters:

It’s November and the beginning of the Holiday season is here, so when you’re ready to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the Holiday’s stop by the Lodge and have a refreshment and visit with friends and family.

This month the officers and men’s membership meetings will be Nov. 14th and Nov. 25th see calendar for times, all LOOM members are encouraged to come to the men’s membership meetings and be a part of what goes on in your lodge.

I would like to give a special Thank You to Perkins Restaurant for there donation of a double convection oven, and to Bryan Clark and Dave Adkison for picking it up and cleaning it, Thank You All.

If you would like to volunteer at the Lodge you can call me at the Lodge 632-9579 email me at or just talk to any lodge or Chapter Officer and let them know what you might be interested in.

I would like to also Welcome all our New Members to the Lodge and Chapter, like always if you see a new member in our Lodge Please take the time to say hello and welcome them into our Lodge.

Check out your November calendar for all other upcoming events and meals. 

Thank You All for supporting your Lodge and the Moose Mission.

Fraternally yours:

Dean Straub – Administrator



In honor of Membership Retention Week

November 3rd—9th

Any WOTM that will be expired in 2019 Gets a free WOTM breakfast. Show your renewal to a WOTM board member To receive your breakfast voucher.



Please join the WOTM Chapter 1133 on Thursday, November 7th at 5:30 pm to celebrate our newest College of Regents, Lana Hendricks. Lana earned her College of Regents degree during the 2016/2017 Chapter year and received her degree in Las Vegas at the annual convention in June. Chapter 1133 is proud to present it’s newest College of Regent to the Cheyenne Chapter. This ceremony honoring Lana and all other College of Regents is open to all members, both women and men along with family and friends. Congratulations Lana!

In addition, Kimy Helberg will be receiving her Red Tassel at the ceremony. Please join us in the changing of the tassel ceremony for Kimy. Congratulations on your milestone Kimy!

Kelli Adkison,

Higher Degree Committee Chairman


Congratulations to our Volunteers of the Month for October!

November! Bryan Clark for the LOOM And Glenda Straub for the WOTM! Thank you for all you help Bryan and Glenda!


Thanksgiving Dinner - Hosted by WOTM

We need your Turkey and Pie Donations by November 18th, Pretty Please


New Members

New Members

LOOM #257

John Ferguson

Rod Kahler

Brandon Westphal

Jon Abernethy

Jason MacGregor

Kelly Berg

James Watson

WOTM #1133

Megan Westphal

Shawrisa Curtiss

Transfer: Susan Alms


Please contact

Nathan Blea


LOOM Prelate To advise of any ill and/or hospitalized and any deaths in LOOM members’ families. Thank you

Please contact,

Gina Lujan @ 307-286-2863

to advise of any ill and/ or hospitalized.

(leave a message if no answer)

Contact Shirley Adkison @ 307-640-1904 and/or any deaths in WOTM members’, families and for scheduling, planning or to help with funeral.

Moose Tracks Newsletter

If Anyone has anything for the newsletter please email it to


Attention All Members

If you or someone you know isn't receiving this e-newsletter; it is likely due to either us not having an email address for you or an outdated email address. Many of the email addresses in our system are out of date.

Please email us at with current email addresses.


This Month's Birthday's


Moose Happenings

We are proud of our Moose Veterans! The Lodge will be having a special Service at Noon on November 10th To Honor our Veterans!

Our Lodge Has Great Meals and Events

Find our events on Facebook for information on specific dates and times


Monday - Friday

5:00 - 6:30 pm

Queen Of Hearts

Queen of Hearts

- Fridays

Drawing at 7:00


This Month's Special Event

Cheyenne Moose Lodge

November 16th

5:30 - 7:00pm

October 25th

5:30 - 7:00PM


Monthly Meals At The Moose

Breakfast at Cheyenne Moose Lodge

See Calendar for dates

Breakfast at Cheyenne Moose Lodge

See Calendar for dates

October 4th


Tuesdays - 5:30-7:00 pm

Burger Night at Cheyenne Moose Lodge

Wednesdays 5:30pm - 7:00pm

Chicken Dinner Night at Cheyenne Moose Lodge

See Calendar for dates

5:30pm - 7:00pm

Birthday Steaks at Cheyenne Moose Lodge

See Calendar for dates


Moose Legion Fun Night

Including Moose Races!

See Calendar for dates

5:30 - 7:00 PM

On the menu this month

Fish or Chicken


The Governor and the Senior Regent would like to hear from you.

If you have any questions or suggestions please submit in writing at the Lodge to an officer or the bartender.

Thank you!


Cheyenne Moose Lodge on Facebook

Did you Know??

You can print the Newsletter or Calendar from the Newsletter Page of our Website

Have something you would like to see in the next us


© 2024 by ​Cheyenne Moose Lodge #257

*-IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Loyal Order of Moose is a private organization. All activities and events referred to on this Web site and in the Moose newsletter are available to active members and their qualified guests only. This Web site is for informational purposes with proprietary information intended for members only. General information is available to the public at large, but should not be construed to be a solicitation for membership. This Web site is an initiative of Cheyenne Moose Lodge No.257, and is not sanctioned by the Loyal Order of Moose, Moose International or any subsidiary thereof. All logos, trademarks and servicemarks pertaining to the Loyal Order of Moose and/or its programs or degrees are copyrighted © by Moose International, Inc., Mooseheart, Illinois.

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1019 S Greeley Hwy, Cheyenne, WY 82007  / (307) 632-9579
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