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Moose Tracks - March 2020

Writer's picture: Cheyenne Moose LodgeCheyenne Moose Lodge

A Publication of Cheyenne Moose Lodge #257 - Chapter #1133

March 2020

Cheyenne Moose Lodge


Board Of Officers

Lodge #257

Governor- William Stackhouse

JR Governor- Robert Pate

Past Governor- Vacant

Prelate- Nathan Blea

Treasurer- Shawn Timm

1-Year Trustee- Jim Powers

2-Year Trustee- Keith Atkinson 3-Year Trustee- Frank Scott Duncan

Administrator- Dean Straub


Senior Regent- Cheryl Timm

Junior Regent- Gina Lujan

Jr. Grad Regent- Laura Pate

Sec./Treasurer- Lana Hendricks

Recorder- Heather Kauffman

Monthly Meetings

LOOM Meeting at Cheyenne Moose Lodge

See calendar for dates

WOTM Meetings at Cheyenne Moose Lodge

See calendar for dates

Moose Legion Meetings

See calendar for dates

Moose Lodge Calendar Meeting

See calendar for dates


Lodge Hours

Cheyenne Moose Lodge

Sunday 8:30am- 9:00pm

M-TH 2:00pm-10:00pm

Friday 10:00am-Midnight

Saturday 8:30am- Midnight


Message From Your Governor

Willie Stackhouse

Brothers and Sisters:

Here it is March, hopefully everyone had a great Valentines day. Here it is NASCAR season. We will be airing all of the races so come join us.

Now that March is here it is time to start the election process for board of officers. If you would be interested in becoming an officer fill out a nomination form. We will be having our nomination meetings on the 9th, 23rd, of March and the 6th, of April. These meetings will start at 6pm. Then the elections will be in April. Also, during March, we will be installing new exterior light weather permitting. These new lights will be LED’s, which will not only help on the cost of electricity, but will also provide better lighting around the lodge.We are looking at having a golf tournament in September, and are looking for volunteers to help CJ put this on. If you would be interested in helping him please contact either CJ, myself, or Dean to volunteer.

Fraternally yours, William, Willie, Stackhouse



Message From Your Senior Regent

Cheyenne Moose Lodge

Dear Co-Workers,

With March here, hopefully, that means spring is in the air! I don’t know about you all, but I’m looking forward to some warmer weather. As always, membership retention is on everyone’s mind. It’s no secret the retaining our membership is one of the biggest challenges we face. I recently read that we do not successfully communicate with our members and that better communication will help insure retention of our members. Better communication doesn’t mean the same thing to one person as it does to another. What does better communication mean, or look like, to you? Is it a phone call? An email? A postcard? Talking face to face? In the technological age we live in, texting and email are the most common types of communication. However, these types of communication do not allow you to engage and read your listeners, observe body language, develop listening skills, and really get to know the person. However, they are a fast and effective way to reach the membership. We must adopt a new attitude that lets every member know that we want them to remain members of the Women of the Moose and that we are willing to make the changes necessary to make this happen. What changes would you like to see happen? Active participation of our members is a vital part of the success of our Chapter. Every member is important to us. As you know, the excellence of any organization is only the reflection of its members. In order for our Chapter to be truly successful and to continue in our program of service to Chapter, Lodge, home and community, member participation in activities, meetings, events, etc is vital. If you have not taken the opportunity to attend our meetings or activities lately, please consider this a personal invitation to join us and get reacquainted with your fellow co-workers. We truly have a wonderful group of co -workers at our meetings and events, but we are always in need of more active members. Won’t you please consider getting more involved?

Cheryl Timm

Senior Regent


Message From Your Administrator

Dean Straub

Hello Brothers and Sisters:

March is here and that means the beginning of Nominations for the Men’s Board of Officers, if you would like to be a part of what goes on in your Lodge There will be a Nominating Box set out with some forms, fill out the form drop it in the box and then come out and visit with the Nominating Committee on one of the nights listed. This month the Nominating Committee will meet on March 9th and March 23rd at 6:00pm.This month the officers and men’s general membership meetings will be on March 12th and March 26th. See calendar for times, all LOOM members are encouraged to come to the men’s membership meetings and be a part of what goes on in your lodge. We are always looking for new help in the kitchen to help with existing meals or even new ones, If you would like to volunteer at the Lodge you can call me at the Lodge 632-9579 or email me at chey- or just talk to any Lodge or Chapter Officer and let them know what you might be interested in. We are going to be doing a Buffett Breakfast on March 29th. I would like to Welcome all our New Members to the Lodge and Chapter, and for all our new AND existing members we will be having a Members meet and greet on March 29th so come on out and learn more about what the Moose and your Lodge is all about. Like always if you see a new member in our Lodge Please take the time to say hello and welcome them into our Lodge. Check out your March calendar for all other upcoming events and meals.

Thank You All for supporting your Lodge and the Moose Mission.

Fraternally yours:

Dean Straub – Administrator



Fiesta Dinner is now..... The 3rd Saturday of every month!


Congratulations to our Volunteers of the Month!

Fernando Escobar for the LOOM and Jan Tilton for the WOTM!

Thank you for all you help Fernando & Jan!



New Members

New Members

LOOM #257

Rory Mallo

WOTM #1133

Celeste Malloy

Sylvia Tilton

New Member Meet & Greet

March 29th - 1:00pm


Please contact

Nathan Blea


LOOM Prelate To advise of any ill and/or hospitalized and any deaths in LOOM members’ families. Thank you

Please contact,

Gina Lujan @ 307-286-2863

to advise of any ill and/ or hospitalized.

(leave a message if no answer)

Contact Shirley Adkison @ 307-640-1904 and/or any deaths in WOTM members’, families and for scheduling, planning or to help with funeral.

Moose Tracks Newsletter

If Anyone has anything for the newsletter please email it to


Attention All Members

If you or someone you know isn't receiving this e-newsletter; it is likely due to either us not having an email address for you or an outdated email address. Many of the email addresses in our system are out of date.

Please email us at with current email addresses.


This Month's Birthday's


Moose Happenings


Our Lodge Has Great Meals and Events

Find our events on Facebook for information on specific dates and times


Monday - Friday

5:00 - 6:30 pm

Queen Of Hearts

Queen of Hearts

- Fridays

Drawing at 7:00


This Month's Special Event(s)

Cheyenne Moose Lodge

Chili Cook Off

March 15th 1:00—3:00pm Bring in your entry of either Red or Green Chili. Sign-up starts at Noon

Blind Draw—

Mixed Doubles Dart Tournament For Moose members And qualified guest only

March 22nd Sign-up at 11:00 Tournament starts at Noon

Meat Raffle's

March 13th - 7:15pm

March 27th - 7:15pm

Cabbage Stew

March 17th

In the Social Quarters

2pm - Close

Chicken Fried Beef, Pork or Chicken

March 27th

5:30 - 7:00pm


Monthly Meals At The Moose

Breakfast at Cheyenne Moose Lodge

See Calendar for dates

Breakfast at Cheyenne Moose Lodge

See Calendar for dates

French Dip Dinner

See Calendar for date


Burger Night at Cheyenne Moose Lodge

Family Burger Night

See Calendar for Date


Chicken Dinner Night at Cheyenne Moose Lodge

Chicken Dinner Night

See Calendar for dates

5:30pm - 7:00pm

Birthday Steaks at Cheyenne Moose Lodge

Birthday Steak Night

See Calendar for dates


Moose Legion Fun Night

Including Moose Races!

See Calendar for dates

5:30 - 7:00 PM

On the menu this month:


Fiesta Dinner

3rd Saturday Monthly

See Calendar for date

5:30 - 7:00pm

The Governor and the Senior Regent would like to hear from you.

If you have any questions or suggestions please submit in writing at the Lodge to an officer or the bartender.

Thank you!


Cheyenne Moose Lodge on Facebook

Did you Know??

You can print the Newsletter or Calendar from the Newsletter Page of our Website

Have something you would like to see in the next us


© 2024 by ​Cheyenne Moose Lodge #257

*-IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Loyal Order of Moose is a private organization. All activities and events referred to on this Web site and in the Moose newsletter are available to active members and their qualified guests only. This Web site is for informational purposes with proprietary information intended for members only. General information is available to the public at large, but should not be construed to be a solicitation for membership. This Web site is an initiative of Cheyenne Moose Lodge No.257, and is not sanctioned by the Loyal Order of Moose, Moose International or any subsidiary thereof. All logos, trademarks and servicemarks pertaining to the Loyal Order of Moose and/or its programs or degrees are copyrighted © by Moose International, Inc., Mooseheart, Illinois.

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1019 S Greeley Hwy, Cheyenne, WY 82007  / (307) 632-9579
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