Hello Brothers and Sisters:
Wow it’s August already and Frontier Days is past us that means winter is just around the corner HaHa. This month the officers and men’s membership meetings will be Aug. 8th and Aug. 22nd see calendar for times, all LOOM members are encouraged to come to the men’s membership meetings and be a part of what goes on in your lodge. we are also going to be having an- other New and Existing member Orientation on Aug. 25 at NOON please come on out and learn what your Lodge is about. We are always looking for help in the kitchen, we could use some more volunteers for Wednesday burger nights and Saturday night dinners and if we could come with one more breakfast crew, we could fill up all Sundays with breakfast. If you would like to volunteer at the Lodge you can call me at the Lodge 632-9579 email me at cheyennelodge257@bresnan.net or just talk to any lodge or Chapter Officer and let them know what you might be interested in. I would like to also Welcome all our New Members to the Lodge and Chapter, if you see a new member in our Lodge Please take the time to say hello and welcome them into our Lodge. Check out your August calendar for all other upcoming events and meals.
Thank You All for supporting your Lodge and the Moose Mission.
Fraternally yours:
Dean Straub – Administrator