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A Message From The Administrator - June 2019

Writer's picture: Cheyenne Moose LodgeCheyenne Moose Lodge

Hello Brothers and Sisters:

June is here, and summer is just around the corner, the Moose International Convention is in Las Vegas this year June 27th thru July 1st. all members are eligible to go to the convention.

If you would like to volunteer at the Lodge you can call me at the Lodge 632-9579 or just talk to any lodge or Chapter Officer and let them know what you might be interested in.

I would like to also Welcome all our New Members to the Lodge and Chapter, if you see a new member in our Lodge Please take the time to say hello and welcome them into our Lodge. We will be having a new member orientation on June 22nd all new and existing members are encouraged to attend the orientation to learn more about the Loyal Order of Moose, Mooseheart and Moosehaven,

Check out your June calendar for all other upcoming events and meals.

If there is something you would like to see at the Lodge or if you would like to volunteer for anything you can e-mail me at The men’s membership meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month you are welcome to join us if you would like. Thank You All for supporting your Lodge and the Moose Mission.

Fraternally yours:

Dean Straub – Administrator

As your new governor, I just want to say Thank you for giving me this opportunity to aid in making the lodge a better place.

This month we have a lot going on inside the lodge. Legion fun night, Jenga tournament, and birthday steaks to name a few . We will also be doing a Christmas parade. We would love to have parents and kiddos come out to ride on the float.

Please contact Mel at 307-274-6903 or myself.

I hope everyone has a happy and safe Thanksgiving this year. We will be having Thanksgiving diner at the lodge on Nov. 18th.

Your governor,

William Baldwin


© 2024 by ​Cheyenne Moose Lodge #257


*-IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Loyal Order of Moose is a private organization. All activities and events referred to on this Web site and in the Moose newsletter are available to active members and their qualified guests only. This Web site is for informational purposes with proprietary information intended for members only. General information is available to the public at large, but should not be construed to be a solicitation for membership. This Web site is an initiative of Cheyenne Moose Lodge No.257, and is not sanctioned by the Loyal Order of Moose, Moose International or any subsidiary thereof. All logos, trademarks and servicemarks pertaining to the Loyal Order of Moose and/or its programs or degrees are copyrighted © by Moose International, Inc., Mooseheart, Illinois.

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1019 S Greeley Hwy, Cheyenne, WY 82007  / (307) 632-9579
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