Hello All,
February is upon us, and it is time to think about running for office. If you are interested, please write your name, the office you would like to run for and the date on a piece of paper. Put it in the box on the wall by the Women’s Office (to the North of the office by the hall), or hand it to any officer.
The first Nomination Committee meeting will be the 1st of February at 6:15, the 2nd will by the 15th of February at 6:15 and the 3rd on the 20th after Queen of Hearts. We need all offices filled, so please, if you are interested, put your name in.
I would like to thank Mary Hunt for cleaning out the Ladies Shed and getting all of the stuff out of the back shed. Thank you sooo much Mary. You are greatly appreciated.
“In February there is everything to hope for and nothing to regret”
Happy Valentine’s Day
Vera Lightfoot
Sr. Regent, Chapter #1133