November, 2017

Board Of Officers
Lodge #257

Governor- Ben Adkison
JR Governor- William Baldwin
Past Governor- C.J. McCutchen
Prelate- Robert Rood
Treasurer- Gaylord Allen
1-Year Trustee- Mike Lightfoot
2-Year Trustee- Robert Darling
3-Year Trustee- Andrew Moody
Administrator- Bruce Helberg JR

Senior Regent- Vera Lightfoot
Junior Regent- Mary Hunt
Jr. Grad Regent- Lana Hendricks
Sec./Treasurer- Kim Tipsword
Recorder- Cheryl Timm
Join Our Mobile Text Club
& Receive a BOGO
Join our mobile text club & receive a BOGO! (One Time Only) You will also receive future offers, club info and more via text!
For Gentlemen, text MOOSE257 to 51660
For Ladies, text MOOSE1133 to 51660
Monthly Meetings
2nd & 4th Thursdays
1st & 3rd Thursdays
1st Tuesday Monthly
2nd Tuesday Monthly
Lodge Hours

Sunday 8:30am- 9:00pm
M-TH 10:00am-10:00pm
Friday 10:00am-Midnight
Saturday 8:30am- Midnight
Governor's Message

Brothers and Sisters
We are into the Holiday season. It is crazy how time flies. I want to wish you all a happy Thanksgiving and hope the time spent with your families is beyond special.
Last month the board of officers had to come to a tough decision to stop printing and mailing the newsletter. From here on out, the newsletter will be made available in electronic format. This will save the lodge a considerable amount of money. A memo has been inserted into the newsletter explaining our decision. Now I know with change comes a learning process. A process of tweaking and making the electronic process as good as it can be. Please be open minded to the change and as always if you have any suggestion on how to better the electronic process, the board is all ears. Come to us with solutions not complaints!
This has been said over and over and over and I hate beating a dead horse to death, but we need volunteers. We need volunteers for Taco night on two Mondays a month and a grill person on the second Wednesday burger night a month. Moose lodges around our fraternity were built on the foundation of volunteering. The board can’t do it all.
Your humble Governor
Ben Adkison
Message From Your Senior Regent

Well, it seems to be that time again. I can’t believe October has come and gone. The Kid’s Halloween was
great fun. We had a lot of kids show up and we played new games this year. I would like to thank everyone for the contributions of money and candy. Without all of you, none of what we do would be possible.
Thanksgiving will be here before we know it, and we need donations of turkeys (cooked or thawed) and deserts. The Thanksgiving dinner will be on Sunday, November 19th at 1:00. I would like to thank everyone, in advance, for the contributions and help. Christmas is just around the corner and there is a sign up sheet at the lodge. Be sure to sign up your children, grand- children, great-grandchildren, etc... It should be lots of fun.
We are in need of volunteers. If you have a free Wednesday night, Friday night, Saturday night... please contact one of the women or men officers. We would be so glad to have you on one of our teams. “Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation’s compassion, unselfish caring, patience, and just plain loving one another.” ~Erma Bombeck
Thank you,
Vera Lightfoot
Sr. Regent, Chapter #1133
New Members

LOOM #257
Mark Anderson
Larry Friederich
Brian Fuller
Scott Lacy
WOTM #1133
Corrie Graham
Nicole Jenkins
Jackie Lacy
Chris Maurer

Please contact Robert Rood,
- LOOM Prelate To advise of any ill and/or hospitalized and any deaths in LOOM members’ families. Thank you
Please contact Jr. Regent,
Mary Hunt @ 307-286-2962
to advise of any ill and/ or hospitalized.
(leave a message if no answer)
Contact Shirley Adkison @ 307-640-1904 and/or any deaths in WOTM members’, families and for scheduling, planning or to help with funeral.

The LOOM Board of Officers would like to have your help in nominating the LOOM volunteer of the
month for the designated parking space. Any member of Lodge 257 or Chapter 1133 can nominate a LOOM member, not a WOTM member. The nominee can be someone who volunteers by serving meals or helping out in general around the lodge. The nominee can also be someone who has gone above and beyond in any way to support the lodge. If you know someone who deserves recognition all you need to do is complete a nomination form and place it in the ballot box located in the entry hallway of the lodge

Attention All Members
It is with regret to inform the members that this is the last newsletter that will be sent by mail. In this day and age of social media, internet and electronic devices most all members have access to email, Facebook and our website. Our newsletter has been available through these sites for some time now and we feel that our lodge and its members are not taking advantage of a cost saving opportunity. We are currently spending approximately $420.00 a month on printing and mailing the newsletters. That does not include the many volunteer hours for the actual printing, folding and taping. Due to the excessive costs of printing and postage we feel that the expense of the newsletter could be cut from the Lodge budget and spent on upgrading our facility.
Anyone with a smart phone has an email address which in turn can receive the newsletter elec- tronically. If you would like to receive the newsletter monthly via email please send your email address to to be set up. Our Facebook page is Cheyenne Moose Lodge # 257 and our website is We realize that not all members have access to email or social media. For those people only there will be a small amount of copies available in the lodge monthly on a first come first serve basis.
Please if you have access to the newsletters electronically do not take a paper copy from the lodge. Please be courteous to our members who do not have access to the electronic version. Thank you all for your cooperation with this transition.
There is a button at the bottom of this and all e-newsletters where you can download and print a paper copy of the Calendar for those that love to hang those on their fridge..:)
This Month's Birthday's

Moose Happenings
Our Lodge Has Great Meals and Events
Find our events on Facebook for information on specific dates and times

Happy Hour
Monday - Friday
1:00 - 2:00 PM
5:00 - 6:30 PM

Queen of Hearts
- Every Tuesday
Drawing at 6:30

The Moose Fraternity has designated the first full week in November as Member Retention Week, representing an opportunity to celebrate our current members as well as encourage expired members to rejoin the organization. During the week of November 5th through the 11th all Lodges, Chapters and Moose Legions are asked to develop a series of activities that will highlight the positive areas of the Moose and reinforce the benefits of membership. Check out the lodge calendar to see what activities will be held every day of retention week such as meals, karaoke, cribbage tournaments and a Veterans Ceremony on November 11th.

The Women of the Moose will be conducting a food drive during the month of November and ending December 14th. Please bring in non-perishable food items and place them in the box by the main entrance. Let’s make this a big success as a community service. So many people are in need, especially at this time of year.
Life Line Screenings - November 3rd at Cheyenne Moose Lodge
November 19th
1:00 - 3:00pm
WOTM needs donated Turkeys and Pies for the Thanksgiving Dinner on November 19th.Please drop off donations at the lodge no later than November 15th. Your help and support is truly appreciated.
Monthly Meals At The Moose

1st Sunday - Monthly
8:30am - 11:00am

2nd & 4th Sunday's - Monthly
Monday's 5:30pm - 7:00pm
All - Day in the Social Quarters
Wednesdays 5:30pm - 7:00pm
2nd Friday Monthly
5:30pm - 7:00pm
2nd Saturday
3rd Friday - Monthly
5:30 - 7:00 PM
This month is a Spaghetti Dinner and a Special One Too!

The Governor and the Senior Regent would like to hear from you.
If you have any questions or suggestions please submit in writing at the Lodge to an officer or the bartender.
Thank you!
Have something you would like to see in the next us