Brothers and Sisters
The National Convention has come and gone and from what I have heard, it was an enjoy- able

experience as well as a learning experience. Thank you Tim and Bruce for attending!
We had our “Open meeting”, where you, the members can come to an open forum and give us your ideas and voice your opinions. Our first meeting was very helpful as the board members got to hear your voices. Minutes were taken so that the board members can look at each concern and your suggestions and turn our lodge into a membership oriented lodge.
Please check your calendar for the month of August as we have scheduled another “Open Meeting”. Bring a friend, bring your kids, this meeting IS NOT for members only.
We are gearing up for the Eastern Wyoming/Western Nebraska Annual Conference that will be held August 24th-27th. There will be Moose Legion Fun night on Friday the 25th with Kara- oke. We have a great band lined up for Saturday, August 26th and dinners will be served on both the nights of the 25th and 26th. There will be many members from other lodges attend- ing the conference. It’s going to be a busy four days. With that being said, the men and women need volunteers to help make the conference a success. If you have time to spare and want to help out, please contact any of the board members to let them know. Thank you!!
Until next month, enjoy the summer and be safe, Your Humble Governor, Ben Adkison