Well my fellow Moose Lodge 257 members another Moose year has come to an end.
On Sunday April 30th, a new Board of Officers will be installed and officially be in place Monday May 1st.
Kids Easter party is Saturday April 15th at 1:00 PM

I would like to thank everyone for their support and indulgence over the past 12 months.
We have been given several directives from Moose International going into the coming Moose year that will need to be implemented. Some will be good. Some not so popular, but still require action, implementation and are similar to some of the changes we have had to implement over the past couple of months.
A change we, as a lodge, implement are most times easy to retract or adjust. Ones we have been directed to implement. Not so much.
So before you start pouting, cussing, and fussing over changes please bear that in mind.
Additionally, I believe we have some different, exciting, and fun activities in the works for the coming months so please keep checking those calendars
Finally, please give consideration to chairing one of our many committees this coming year. These committees require very little of your time but are extremely important.
Additionally, if you would like to be considered as an alternate to attend the MI Conference in Tampa FL, June 30th – July 3rd, in the event the Governor and/or Administrator cannot attend, please notify the Administrator or the next Governor.
Again, thanks everyone
Thank you, members, for your support, your inputs/suggestions, and your membership.
A lodge for the members, of the members, and by the members.
To be continued…………………
CJ McCutchen
Moose Lodge 257