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Writer's pictureCheyenne Moose Lodge

Message From Your Senior Regent- March 2017

Dear Coworkers,

Cheyenne Moose Lodge

I would like to send a special thank you to all that helped on the nominating

committee meetings. Without all of your help and time we wouldn't have been able to have elections. Elections of officers will be March 16th at 6pm.

Our annual Chili Cook-off Contest will be March 19th, sign up sheet will be behind the bar.

At Mid -Winter Convention there will be four or five of us from Chapter #1133 receiving our Academy of Friendship. Please congratulate them for a job well done.

We will be trying something different in the kitchen for March...a Pizza Night.

If anyone is interested in being on a committee for next year let one of the officers know. Fund raising is a big part of our income for Mooseheart & Moosehaven.

Lana Hendricks

Sr. Regent

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