I hope everyone had a good month of October.

The month of November is membership retention month. We are working towards some activities directed at this event – please check the calendar.
Speaking of which, I would like to apologize to those who did not receive their October newsletter. We experienced a few unforeseen glitches, both on our end and the post office end, ergo the newsletters did not get mailed out in time for October. I believe these issue have now been corrected especially if you are now reading this section of the November newsletter. Be sure to check the calendar for notable events.
We are seeking turkey and pie donations for our lodge Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday 11/20. It has been requested to please not bring the pies the day of. We would like the turkey donations by 11/16. Thank you all in advance.
We are now an official sponsor of the CFD Old West Museum.
Thanks to all of those who played in the October 8th “54” Horseshoe Tournament. It was a great success as we had a record number of throwers.
I would like to thank all the volunteers that put their time and efforts into helping ensure that our members have the best experience possible at our lodge. However, at times, these volunteers have other scheduled activities that preclude them from participating in the preparation and serving of the meals we have become accustomed too. The consequence is, that by not having any back up volunteers for these individuals, we have to eliminate certain meal offerings for a short period. Therefore, at this point it is anticipated that there will be no Burger Nights in the month of November on 11/3 and 11/10.
If you have a desire to be a volunteer, please let me know. We won’t just throw you in the ocean and say swim, we’ll do it with a floatation device.
It is also my understanding that some folks our trying to put together an in-house Sunday Doubles Dart League. If interested contact Mel Darby.
Moose International is putting great emphasis on lodge activities, community service and recognition of veterans and current armed forces members.
Suggestions for how to recognize and salute Veterans would be greatly appreciated. From the Moose International side please access your information on the Moose International website and indicate your veteran status. That recognition will appear on your next membership card.
Suggestions on how we can recognize our veterans on Veteran’s Day would also be appreciated. Please pass those suggestions on to myself, Bruce or Randy
We have received our new card entry system and it should be installed by the first of November.
Folks please keep in mind that if you did not actively participate in an event, or you were not an eye witness to an event, then it is not factual to you but tabloid gossip and should not be perpetuated and embellished on.
As I have said before, In the past I have told you what I think. Again this time I would like to solicit your thoughts.
I would like to ask you to tells us what you like about the lodge. What you dislike about the lodge, what you would like to see changed, and what you would like to see remain status quo. You can do this via e-mail (address included below), phone, letter, or face to face. I will promise you I will protect your anonymity.
THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS. PLEASE volunteer as often as you can to support lodge activities
In the month of November, we celebrate Veterans day to honor those passed and living, who have defended, and still defend, our freedom and borders so that we may continue to be free nation. It saddens me at times to realize how many people are so cavalier towards our veterans and current military personnel. (Even in our own lodge). A huge thank you to veterans and active military
Thank you veterans and active military
Thank you members for your support, your inputs/suggestions, and your membership.
A lodge for the members, of the members, and by the members.
To be continued…………………
CJ McCutchen
Moose Lodge 257