I hope everyone had a good month of September. Thank goodness football season is underway so

come on down on Thursdays, Sundays and Mondays for, which so far, has been some exciting NFL battles. Come on down on Saturdays for exciting college football contests.
Be sure to check the calendar for notable events, such as kids, and adults, Halloween party dates and times and monthly poker tournament.
We are now an official member of the Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce.
Our Labor Day Horse Shoe Tournament was one of the best on record. It lasted nearly 4.5 hours to declare Lana Hendricks and Dave Atkinson the champions. I believe that gives Lana more first place finished this year than anyone else.
Congratulations to Dave Atkinson for his Moose of the Year award
Speaking of Horse Shoe Tournaments we have another scheduled for Saturday October 8th with a start time between 11:00 and Noon. We are calling it the “54” Horse Shoe Tournament as it was the suggested date by Ben Atkinson and will be his 54th birthday. Did I also mention party time as well.
As most of you have suggested the results of the reverse raffle from the mid -year conference in Ogallala appears at the bottom of this letter.
Also, from the conference, Moose International is putting great emphasis on lodge activities, community service and recognition of veterans and current armed forces members.
Suggestions for how to recognize and salute these people would be greatly appreciated. From the Moose International side please access your information on the Moose International website and indicate your veteran status. That recognition will appear on your next membership card.
We have also submitted to MI to sponsor and support Dart and/or Pool league teams.
Hopefully this month we will be finished with the implementation of card entry system.
As I have said before, In the past I have told you what I think. Again this time I would like to solicit your thoughts.
I would like to ask you to tell us what you like about the lodge. What you dislike about the lodge, what you would like to see changed, and what you would like to see remain status quo. You can do this via e-mail (address included below), phone, letter, or face to face. I will promise you I will protect your anonymity as much as possible.
THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS. Please volunteer as often as you can to support lodge activities
Thank you veterans and active military
Thank you members for your support, your inputs/suggestions, and your membership.
GO BRONCOS, Steelers, Packers, Raiders, Dolphins, Vikings, Patriots, Cowboys, Redskins, Chiefs, Seahawks, and any of the teams I missed that the members identify with. These are the ones I know for sure.
A lodge for the members, of the members, and by the members.
To be continued…………………
CJ McCutchen
Moose Lodge 257