I want to wish everyone a happy July 4th. Speaking of which, we will be having

barbecue hamburgers/hotdogs & our annual 4th of July Horseshoe Tournament, (may even work in a washers’ tournament). My only question is, can anyone secure a 1st place finish other than myself and partner? — I think not - the challenge has been cast.
I would like to address the topic of volunteers, (which most of the time equates to meals
at the lodge). Without those folks that so graciously volunteer their time and effort, there would not be the meals that you currently have the privilege to enjoy. Please bare in mind these folks that
VOLUNTEER ARE NOT PROFESSIONALS, they are VOLUNTEERS,. Which I hope you all understand what volunteer means: noun: a person who performs voluntary work. Therefore, if you do not like the way a meal is prepared or served, then I ask you, no beg you, to please go and partake of meals at a different establishment at an increased price. We welcome, and encourage, friendly constructive criticism meant to help us improve as volunteers. However, rudeness and verbal attacks toward our volunteers, and bar stewards for that matter, WILL NO LONGER BE TOLERATED.
On the lighter side, please don’t be reluctant to volunteer. If we could get commitments from just a few more folks, we might be able to offer two or three more excellent meals a month. If you see a volunteer, please thank them for their commitment as they sacrifice precious time away from family and friends to provide fellow Moose members with steady, excellent, inexpensive meals. I would like to thank each & every person that volunteers. We could not do it without you. THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS
Thank you members for your support, your inputs/suggestions, and your membership. Again, as before, a lodge for the members, of the members, and by the members.
To be continued............................................
Respectfully, CJ McCutchen
Governor, Lodge #257